This adventure is sponsored by Camelbak
As runners we are creatures of habit. We use these habits to measure improvement, quantify results, and ensure success. These habits can be motivating and comforting, but they can also rob us of opportunity, when often it is right in front of our faces. So has been my experiences in the Wasatch for the last few years.
As a peak-bagger and die-hard mountain runner, I use local peaks and link-ups as opportunities to measure my fitness. I can trace back prior efforts and compare and contrast long term progress without losing the splendor and admiration for the mountains. The Wasatch offers so many peaks above 10,000ft and 11,000ft elevation within just miles of each other and my home, it makes running there a snap.
Unfortunately, habits of the last few years have left me with few “new” experiences in the Wasatch. However, recently I did a stretch-out run with a couple of friends prior to one of them running the Wasatch 100 this coming weekend. We did a peak that I’ve done 20 times before, one that I frequently put my habits to use to gauge my current fitness and strength (it boasts 3800 vert in just 4.5 miles). There is a small sub-peak to the west, unnamed and often over-looked. Less than a half mile away and a short 15 minute stroll it waits, unassuming and yet brilliant. In my 15 years of hitting peaks in the Wasatch, I’ve never made an effort to visit UPWOP (“Unnamed Peak West Of Pfiefferhorn”). That is, until this past weekend.
Oh the things we miss out on because we are creatures of habit. UPWOP is magnificent. At just over 11,000ft it still breaches that magical benchmark of the Wasatch and offers some of its most stunning views. To the east, the Pfiefferhorn, to the west, Chipman, South Thunder, Bighorn, and the sentinel itself, Lone Peak. To the south, Box Elder and Timpanogos. And finally to the north, then entire Cottonwood Ridge, which boasts 11 peaks above 11,000 ft in a row.
My habits now broken, I’m reminded again of why I run and play in the Wasatch. And I’m more committed than ever to remember the value of exploration and adventure.
Enjoy this short video of our experience on the Pfiefferhorn and UPWOP. Share, Comment, and Subscribe.
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