By: Jerry Armstrong
Through endurance, you gain the virtue to conquer impossibility, run without effort, and see places on the earth seldom seen by the human eye. Your mind’s incessant chatter runs silent and you finally hear God with open ears.
Asking quietly for more, you dive into your deep wealth of persistence, extending your knowledge of possibility. You now transcend the apparent needs of modern man and quench the thirst of your ancient physiology. Your effort brings new feelings of gratitude for simple gifts of water, warmth, or comfort.
Through endurance, you share the mind of ancient people and accept your place among other living beings. Left alone, you examine the truth of your own identity and conceive of a better you. You now know with infallibility that happiness is internal and never purchased. Your heart is cured and your happiness becomes omnipresent.
Your life’s experiences are enriched through exposure to extreme environments, you see color where there was none…You feel strong when you thought it was not possible. And now, in this moving practice, you fly for the present…keenly aware of the moment at hand. In this time, you are at peace.
Through endurance, you are finally you.