The DFW Metroplex is a tough place for a trail runner and especially an ultra trail runner. And before anyone starts defending the area just remember that Salt Lake City and the Wasatch Front has 1500 miles of single track trail. which is the main repository of trail information for the area does list about 100 miles of trails. While this is true, there’s lots of driving between places and some routes offer limited distances. Let’s face it, DFW doesn’t offer the same trail opportunities as the mountain regions of the country.
That said, I have run the North Shore Trail in Grapevine Texas and at least it’s a trail. Basically, it’s an 18 mile loop with the trail running parallel to itself with one way signs to keep everyone going in the same direction. I’ve had nice runs there but there’s nothing to write home about. The difficulty is minimal. The trail is in good condition. There is very little in the way of rocks and roots to be concerned about. It’s a good place to get some faster trail work done.
The trail intersects a number of points and you can start at Rockledge Park, Murrell Park, MADD Shelter or Twin Coves. Murrell Park is run by the Army Corps and there is no fee for parking or use of the park. Rockledge Park has a small fee to get into the park.
I give all the credit in the world to in their efforts to make trails online in North Texas. Without them there would be nothing and I’d have nowhere to run.
My issues are the area and what it can really give. I am thankful there are some trails in the Metroplex and North Shore Trail is one.
I agree that the Dallas area just doesn’t have that many good running trails. The Cedar Ridge Preserve is the best that I’ve found so far. What are your favorite 3 – 5 trails for running in the Dallas area? (I’m looking for some new places and good challenges.)
I’ve been on a search for good trails in the Dallas area as well. In my opinion, Cedar Ridge and Cross Timbers (at Lake Texoma) are the best that I’ve found. In the second tier, I’d put North Shores at Lake Grapevine and the third tier would contain places like River Legacy Park in Arlington and the Lake Ray Roberts Greenbelt (both of which are very flat, with Legacy paved and Ray Roberts a wide gravel road – don’t go in expecting a wilderness experience).
Cross Timbers is a long drive to get there (a little over an hour), but it is more true wilderness. The trails aren’t always obvious to follow (I’ve had to circle back a few times) and there are very few people out there (no bikes). The terrain is varied and it’s geared towards hiking and running (i.e., no switchbacks for the mountain bikers). I like it a lot, but due to it’s location, I only do some of my longer runs there a few times a year.
Other notes for Cross Timbers – Bikes are allowed, but very few try it. I’ve never seen one there. The last few times I went, I only ran into 4-6 other people. Also, don’t count on any water being available – bring your own (which I always do anyway). I think it’s more secluded than any of the other trails and also quite pretty in several areas. Enjoy.