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Lessons From Weeks of Higher Mileage Running
Last week I successfully completed another big block of training. With my legs

Should I Use A Nutritional Supplement?
Any grocery or drug store has at least one aisle dedicated to nutritional

Does Pickle Juice Prevent Or Alleviate Muscle Cramps?
Muscle cramps during training or an event can range in severity from

Vitamin D And Calcium For Female Runners
The sport of ultramarathon is one of the most equalizing with regard to gender in

Accumulating Research Suggests Long Term Long Distance Training May Negatively...
The news that the autopsy of Micah True — the ultrarunner who

The Trekking Pole Advantage
As I struggled up the back side of Hope Pass in 2011’s Leadville 100 Mile

Carbohydrate Loading Effects In Males and Females
The pre-race pasta dinner is an endurance running staple. However, the