When you clicked on this article, you were probably looking to see if your favorite pair of kicks might be the ones that I would say are the best.
Or perhaps, you’re reading this just knowing that I’ll be wrong. Certainly, someone can’t make the claim of THE best shoe!
Well, here it is – the best pair of shoes that money can buy…
look down…
are the ones that you already have.
For the billions of dollars spent on gear, apparel, and shoes, when it really comes down to it, the best pair of shoes you can buy is whichever pair you’re comfortable in. Whichever shoes you have – right now.
We spend so much of our time researching and preparing, reading and then spending (all good things, all good things) when the very best thing we can do is lace up and get out there. The trail doesn’t care what drop your shoes are or what the new colorway is.
I realize this may sound funny, as you’re reading on a site that spends so much time and effort of reviewing all kinds of gear to make running trails enjoyable and to help you make informed decisions.
Do I have a favorite pair of shoes for the long days? Yes.
Another pair that I choose for the rocky, scramble days? Absolutely.
As experience grows and terrain varies, there is value in that, but the point is, you don’t need to wait around for the right things to make a good day happen.
YOU are the key that gets you where you need to be. The adventure happens because you choose it to. You are the machine that takes you to the tops of mountains or across that finish line. Don’t wait for the ‘best’, ‘latest’ or ‘just right’ thingamajig…the most important step of all is to get out there and take that first step.
So lace up and go do something awesome.