Trail And Ultra Running MENU

Tragedy of the “Trail & Ultra” Commons

Bela Vida: Badwater Ultramarathon

April 24, 2012 Comments (7) inspiration, Musings

Running is Fun!

I recently had a conversation with a close friend about running. The discussion was tense and, to some degree, pointless! I say this because running is supposed to be fun…period. At least, that is one of the main reasons I enjoy running. I love the people, the adventures, and the excitement!  My body loves movement and I never feel better than when I finish a run. I love to share that passion with others, as an athlete, coach, and contributor to our sport.

I must admit I get frustrated when I see people who seem to think running is about pain or discomfort. I read the faces of runners I see on the trails and I feel really sad for them because they so often have this intense look of anger, frustration, or sadness. What a waste of energy!  I wave and smile but, so often, the runner coming from the other direction deliberately looks off into the distance to avoid eye contact and ensure we don’t acknowledge each other. I don’t understand that… Even if I’m running at a full sprint, in complete exhaustion, I can still find the energy to smile and wave! This is just a simple post…a simple statement.  You can run mad if you want…but I hope you remember that “Running is Fun!”

With that introduction…please enjoy “Running is Fun”! I shot this video during a 17 mile run in the urban environment of Broomfield and Westminster, Colorado. I love running. Running is fun!

Run long, eat plants!

Your friend,



Watch more video of CO Mountain Ninjas on


7 Responses to Running is Fun!

  1. TR says:

    Totally agree! I sometimes wonder if my happy spirit frightens them. It’s just running-be silly, sing songs (I do) and make others smile. When I get the runner blow-off I just laugh and say “Wow, you just missed a chance to say Hi to the Missing Nail!”

    I think I’ll get some running shirts made that say “CAUTION: I give out hugs”

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Kara says:

    That was awesome!! I get so serious about running and forget that it can be fun!! You have renewed me! Thanks!

  3. Trevor says:

    Great vid! I loved the Big Lots Loop. And running is fun!

  4. Love it! Thanks for making me smile. Currently injured, I cannot wait to get back out for some “fun”!

  5. […] on Jun 2, 2012 in Featured, inspiration | 0 comments ShareTweetWhen we posted “Running is Fun“, it became quite popular and was shared widely on Facebook and Twitter. The true message of […]

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